Preparedness Resources

In today's world, there is much information at our finger tips for learning about being prepared. Any search engine will lead you to numerous, really good, local, state, federal government, and other preparedness websites.

There are many preparedness videos on YouTube and other such sites.  (be careful and validate information that you are unsure of from private sites)

Check out the You Tube series of videos called "20 to Ready".
(Done between KBYU and Salt lake County Emergency Services). These are GREAT short videos which highlight segments of personal and family preparedness. They cover the numerous topics.

There is also extensive information on the internet. Just search under “personal, or emergency preparedness”.

Additional emergency preparedness information and reference material can be obtained by contacting the Box Elder County Emergency Manager.

If you have a civic, church, or other group where you would like some information presented, please feel free to call as well.

There are some emergency coordination meeting which occur monthly which are open to the public, such as:

The Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) it is a federally mandated forum as part of the Community Right to Know Act. It specifically addresses the transportation storage and use of hazardous materials in our communities. Usually the second Wednesday of each month at 9 am, at the Sheriff's Office. (Address listed to the right)

The Evening Emergency Coordination Meeting (EECM) addresses various community emergency issues  over time. It is a coordination point for community emergency managers, businesses, and faith based organizations to coordinate disaster day response efforts, and even receive training. This meeting usually occurs at 7pm on the last Wednesday of each month at the Sheriffs Office as well. (address listed to the right)